The American Kang Duk Won Karate Children's Camps are held at the Karate Camp once a year in the woodlands of Southern Jefferson County at Lorraine, New York. Participants attend classes designed to expand their knowledge in the martial arts and to have fun. Classes are given on self-defense, meditation, sparring, katas, kicking, punches, and safety awareness to mention a few, but the highlight of the camp is the Combat Course.

The students at the camp are supervised by black belt instructors of American Kang Duk Won Karate 24 hours a day.


Q: What is the date of the 2016 Day Camp and Jr. Karate Camp?
A: The Day Camp is Saturday, June 4 and the Jr. Karate Camp is Saturday & Sunday, June 4 & 5.

Q: When does the camp begin?
A: The camp begins on Sat. at 10:00 a.m. You may arrive 1/2 hour before, to put your gear away. The Jr. Karate Camp ends on Sunday at 12:00 noon. Pick up time is between 12:00 p.m. and 12:30 p.m. on Sun. The Day Camp ends on Saturday at 3:00 p.m..

Q: How do I get to Karate Camp?
A: Click here for maps and driving directions

Q: Do we practice in bare feet?
A: No. Sneakers or other suitable footwear MUST be worn at all times.

Q: Will we be sleeping in tents or outside?
A: No. You will be staying in buildings. There are bunks, showers, and bathrooms in each building. There is a building for girls and one for boys.

Q: How much will Jr. Karate Camp or Kids Day Camp cost?
A: Camp fees are: Jr Camp Two days - $70.00, One day - $55.00 / Day Camp - $45.00.

Q: What if I need to contact the camp in case of an emergency?
A: See your instructor before coming to camp for the current phone number.

Q: Who will feed the children?
A: They should bring food for lunch, dinner, breakfast, and snacks. Water, juices, and other acceptable fluids should be included.

Q: Are parents allowed at camp?
A: Yes! They may even spend the weekend, provided they bring their own tents or campers and the children may stay with them. They may prepare their children's meals, attend classes, and have their children stay with them, if they wish. Parents who wish to attend camp are expected to abide by the camp rules (i.e. no alcohol or tobacco products, no personal electronics, such as radios, tv's, Ipods, etc., or pets).

Q: Where can I find out more about the Jr. Karate Camp?
A: If you have any questions about the camp ask your instructor or call: 315-788-8402.

DIRECTIONS FROM PUBLIC SQUARE IN WATERTOWN: Drive south on Route 11 Washington Street) for approximately 14 miles passing through the Villages of Adam Center and Adams. On the south side of Adams turn left on to County Route 189. Drive approximately 5 miles to the center of the Hamlet of Lorraine, New York. From the center of Lorraine drive on County Route 93 exactly 2 miles. The camp is on the right side of the road.

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